Friday, January 05, 2007

Moving In

First post at the new blog. I've been really bad about not updating my old blog, but I had some real problems: first off, I really wanted an offline way to create posts and then upload at my leisure.

I found the beta of Windows LiveWriter, and I loved it, I could do pretty much everything i wanted offline, then upload it! Of course, it didn't run on my MacBook, but I could run it on the Vista partition I had installed, so that was cool for a while. Until it unexpectedly and unexplainedly stopped working. So...then I tracked down an early build of Qumana, but sadly, it didn't seem to work right either!

Now I have a nice new install of Qumana on OSX, but for whatever reason, it doesn't seem to want to work with Windows Live Spaces. So. I thought, let me try a new place, make a new home, use an offline editor, and maybe even manage to post on a regular basis.

Oh, as an aside, the really sucky thing about LiveWriter not working and never working again is I actually had a fistful of posts written, and all of them were un-uploadable! So those thoughts are lost to the sands of time - luckily they mostly related to how bad the Jets and Giants were doing - since they're both in the playoffs, those posts disappearing can only enhance my appearance of knowing what I am talking about!

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